Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fiordland National Park - Part 2

We walked from Rainbow Reach to Wetlands (part of the Kepler Track) – a woodland walk beside the Waiau River.  Some scenes from the Lord of the Ring movies were filmed near this part of the river.  Many of the walks that we take require crossing rivers on swing bridges like the one seen here. Ferns and mosses line the walking paths in this area.  The forests here are comprised of three varieties of beech: black, silver, and red. The wetlands area had a glacial lake.  One of the most interesting plants we saw here was the bright red carnivorous sundew that catches insects.

G on swing bridge

Kepler Track


Milford Road

We drove half way up Milford Road so that we could walk to Key Summit.  The scenery changes dramatically as you travel further into Fiordland National Park.  Eglinton Valley gives way to a sub-alpine terrain with lakes, rainforests, and mountains surrounding you. 

Eglinton Valley

We parked at The Divide (the beginning of the Routeburn Track).  On the way to Key Summit (3 hours roundtrip), we passed small waterfalls and glimpses of the spectacular scenery we were to find at the summit.  Along the path the moss was so thick and moist that if you pushed on it, water poured out like a wet sponge.

At the top, there were panoramic views of the Humbolt and Darran Mountains.  You could also view Lake Marion off in the distance.  The surprise at the top was to see the tarns.  The DOC provided narrow boardwalks to keep people from damaging the bogs. As we climbed higher, the silver beech trees became more shrub-like. 

One of several tarns at Key Summit

B and G at Key Summit - notice Lake Marion in the background

On the drive back we stopped at a couple of shorter walks.  Lake Gunn nature walk was one of the mossiest forests we have seen – the picture doesn’t truly capture how the moss covers everything.  Further down the road we stopped at Mirror Lakes (best viewed when there is little or no wind).  Its name says it all.

Lake Gunn Nature Walk

Mirror Lake

DOC sense of humor


Karin Gravina said...

Thank you for sharing your adventure! You are so descriptive that I not only feel like I have taken a hike with you but I am learning so much about this amazing place.

christine said...

Wow! Wow and WOW again...thank you for sharing...Brian & Genie, I'm to you both, glad you are safe...christine Leblanc